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《宝贝老板》之简单英语 9


精彩评论 (1)
  • 风早爽子 2023-12-05 21:04:11

    1.You're breaking up. 你的飞船要散架了. 2.Are you hurt?你受伤了吗? 3.Show Mommy your teeth. 给妈妈看看你的牙齿. 4.It was just the three of us 就我们三个人组成了. 5.Three is the perfect number. 三是完美的数字 6. I was the luckiest kid ever. 我感觉我是最幸运的小孩. 7.My parents even had cool jobs. 我父母还有份很酷的工作. 8.They worked for the biggest pet company in the world. 他们在全球最大的宠物公司上班. 9.They worked in a deparement called"Marketing" 他们在一个叫市场营销的部门工作. 10.They go to launch new product. 他们发布新产品

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