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End of Time

End of Time

精彩评论 (16916)
  • rainy 2024-06-26 00:35:38


  • 花花 2024-06-22 16:08:16


  • -喵视霸 2024-06-20 05:23:06


  • AVersion 2020-03-06 12:45:50

    Dear Mr. Alan Hello, I am a student in middle school, I have been watching you a long time ago, at that time I did not know what is called electric sound, but since I met you, I found that your song is really cool and I like it very much, so I keep clocking in for you every day.[玫瑰] I have witnessed every step of your growth, from the famous "Fade" to your latest release of "End of time". You may not know that the first time I bought a digital album was the song "Live Fast" released by you. I hope I really like it very much! I am really very proud to be your fan. I hope this message can attract your attention. Finally, I hope you will go further and further on the road of electric sound in the future[强]! I wish you good health and happiness every day[呲牙]!

  • AlanWalker 2020-03-06 20:24:58

    You guys are better! Thank you for the support! 🙏//@枫林晚:Allen Walker, You are the best。Hope to hear your music often in the future

  • 我推生物怎么你了 2024-06-01 21:28:15

    Hello ,Mr.Alan! I am a middle school student from China. You are always the best in my heart ! I wish to listen to your music often!

  • AlanWalker 2020-03-06 20:23:55

    Thank you for being here🙏//@狗头队长:我就知道,我期待每一个周五凌晨,打开酷狗就说不定有什么惊喜了。。。马上中考了,结束前看不到Alan了,以后每个周五凌晨都是刷题的时间了……感谢Alan这几年陪伴,Thanks for everything you did !❤


17.7万粉丝 0专辑

K-391,原名Kenneth Nilsen,挪威电子舞曲音乐制作人。2018年,因与Alan Walker、Julie Bergan以及Seungri的合作单曲《Ignite》一举成名。


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