我的位置: 首页 > 听书 > 儿童天地 > 英语启蒙 > Vol.3 第一次见面聊什么?告别尬聊开场白请选择聊【天气】!
刘薇的英语全能口语课 3896

Vol.3 第一次见面聊什么?告别尬聊开场白请选择聊【天气】!

精彩评论 (3)
  • 郭漪琳 2020-12-10 10:56:31

    Vol.3 开口问天气 g-girl b-boy u-you G: It’s really a nice day today! B: Yes, the weatherman said it would be cloudy, but it’s really clear. G: what’s the weather like in your country? B: In the winter, it’s extremely cold in the north. And in the summer, it’s extremely hot in the south. G: How is the weather in your hometown? B: The weather is mild and humid through the whole year. G: What’s the temperature today in your hometown? B: It’s freezing outside, it’s 7 degree below zero. G: So what are u doing now? B: I’m browning Tik Tok. G: Do u see any interesting videos? B: Yes, I can share with u.

  • 花千骨。。 2020-05-08 21:08:06


  • —— 2020-05-05 15:40:21


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