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我的世界BGM 1.1万


精彩评论 (278)
  • Tcc纪念大酬宾 2024-02-16 12:02:06


  • 归零者·冲击 2018-06-09 21:00:43


  • 吉星 2018-06-25 18:14:24

    有一种游戏,叫做minecraft........ 我忘不了第一次玩mc的时候,撸掉的第一块原木,挖到了第一块钻石,第一次被苦力怕炸死,第一次见到末影人,并且怀着好奇心去和他对视,建造了第一间土房子,不怎么美观,却有无限的成就感。第一次去地狱,第一次挖到了石英,第一次找到了地狱堡垒,惹怒了猪人狼狈逃回家的那种惊险感,第一把附魔武器,第一瓶药水,第一次与凋零战斗。第一次找到了末地,艰难的击杀末影龙的那种成就感,跳入了传送门,看着长长的终末之诗,点击了跳过.....第一次挖到了基岩。建造了自己的第一座别墅,毫不犹豫的舍弃了土房子,知道了服务器,在体验了各种各样的mod之后,回到了自己第一个存档,落日了,看着夕阳缓缓落下,月亮悄然升起,怪物们出动了,回过头。看见了我宏伟的建筑,一身的钻石套让你不再有了成就感,回头,看着自己第一间小土房,有了莫名的感动,那根火把还是插在墙上,周围还有苦力怕炸的弹坑,回到了土房,里面还是那样,没有改变,一切是那么的怀念。删了存档,创造了新的世界,看着一望无际的草原,方形的太阳不再让你觉得奇怪,我一直想还原我第一次玩mc的那种无知感,什么都是新鲜的的,当你再一次的杀了龙,没有了第一次那种成就感,我们......回不去了,看完了终末之诗的翻译,静静的想了许多,为了建造别墅,砍伐了很多树木,一箱子的钻石,却有莫名的无趣。 一一这是我的世界,是我们的世界,我们在这个平凡的世界里,成就了这些不平凡的事物,这是MC 一一MINECRAFT,永不磨灭。 There is a game called MINECRAFT........ I forget the first time when playing MC, the first piece of logs rolled out, dug the first piece of diamond, the first is the first time I saw fear toil killed at the end of filmmakers, and with curiosity to his eye, built the first houses, not how beautiful, there is an infinite sense of achievement. The first time to go to hell, the first time to dig quartz, first find the hell fortress, which angered the werewolf pig fled home the kind of adventure, the first to enchant weapon, the first bottle of medicine, first and withered battle. First find the end, difficult the strike at the end of the shadow dragon that sense of accomplishment, jumped into the portal, looking at the long end of the poem, click skip..... First dug the bedrock. Built the first house of their own, do not hesitate to abandon the soil house, know the server, in the experience of a variety of mod Later, back in his first archive, the sunset, watching the sunset slowly fall, the moon rises, the monsters out, looked back. I saw a magnificent building a diamond set so that you no longer have a sense of accomplishment, back, looked at his first small adobe, have moved, the torch is plugged into the wall, and even fried toil around the crater, back to the house, which is the same, no change, everything is so miss. Delete the file, create a new world, looking at the boundless grassland, square sun no longer let you feel strange, I always want to restore my first time to play MC and ignorance that sense of what is fresh, when you once again to kill the dragon, not the kind of sense of achievement first, we...... go back, watching the end poem translation, quietly like a lot, in order to build villas, cut a lot Trees, a box of diamond, there are inexplicable and uninteresting. - this is my world, we are the world, we in the ordinary world, the achievements of these extraordinary things, this is MC - MINECRAFT, indelible. 迷你报废之日,MC归来之时

  • Jack_SuperCreeper 2024-02-04 12:36:47


  • 开心果 2023-12-23 21:47:30


  • poggar 2022-11-19 20:27:16


  • 赤城黎生 2022-11-30 22:58:07


  • 阿帽 2023-05-17 21:16:15


  • 加载失败 2024-01-14 23:20:00


  • 海燕21D 2023-09-22 22:02:47

    不,那是一个梦,承载着理想与现实//@Entity-303:“兄弟,你听说过我的世界吗” “哦,那是一个游戏” “不,那是一个人生”

  • Yuki 2020-04-05 14:30:56


  • 蛛儿 2023-11-19 14:54:25

    MC销售量已破三亿:第一 gta5仅次第二:1.85亿 俄罗斯方块第三//@I3:额,相对于国内来说……下载榜MN是在前列的(说白了撒比XXS比较多),全球性说……MC是世界第二大游戏(仅次于俄罗斯方块)

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