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小阿枫 | 翻唱也不失歌曲精髓•合集 5.9万


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  • 温柔乐 2020-11-23 08:45:53


  • l人眞啲累'ㄋ' 丅 2024-06-26 22:37:49


  • 深情不及久伴 2024-06-26 15:49:39


  • 广东 2024-06-03 13:26:39


  • 昵称 2024-06-23 22:41:48


  • SayGoodbye 2020-03-17 01:58:39

    西游记里有九九八十一难,八十难都留给了猴子,但唯独女儿国一劫留给了唐僧。那年,唐僧离开了女儿国。她凤冠霞帔,美艳不可方物,却轻依城头,泪眼迷离,当着文武百官前对着他的背影呼唤御弟哥哥,若有来世,娶我可好?夕阳下风沙骤起,不远处一袭袈裟一骑白马缓步而行,沙尘弊日,隐约中背上的身形顿了顿,如刀削般的侧颜终没有回眸。只见马背之人一双白净的手握紧僵绳,轻喝一声。一袭纯白渐渐消失在风尘之中随即风声喧嚣中穿出一身若有若无的叹息,刹那间激起她眼中一阵迷离,再也无法隐忍,泪如泉涌……这一年他圆寂,千佛诵经,万众朝宗!他走时却只留下一句莫名其妙的“好”。小时候觉得女儿国是最好过的关,有点无聊,没厉害的妖怪,长大后才知道,女儿国是最难过的关,情关难过,难过情关。这关过得撕心裂肺,过得肝肠寸断!!问世间情为何物?只叫一声御弟哥哥。唐僧是真的动了心,为了不让自己留恋,连头也没敢回,小时候为唐僧庆,他又躲过一劫!长大后才懂得他错过了一生,女王还是女王,守着自己的城。唐僧还是唐僧,走着自己的路,不是所有的爱恋都能永相随。如有来生可有来生??唐僧一生只撒了两次谎,一次骗猴子戴上了紧箍咒,一次骗女儿国国王来生相守!国王在等御弟哥哥下辈子红妆相娶,却不知西天成佛。再无来生。唐僧这一生还是没有做到不负如来不负卿若有来生再相遇,愿弃了一袭袈裟,舍了身佛法,消了我满头戒疤,倾我十世修行,只为换取与你海角天涯,小舍篱笆,青丝白发,可哪有什么来生?从来都只有今生,此时,此刻。人生中无数次错过就是错过,即使高贵如国王,神圣如唐僧,也抵不过一句有缘无份,因为世间能放下的都是你未曾拾起的。爱一个人与爱众生,是没有区别的。若有来生,我舍我的王权富贵,你舍你的戒律清规…可惜没有来生了…我做了一个梦,我梦见你蓄起了长发,我们一起慢慢变老,可是,你不快乐。”国王满目流转地都是深情,却只牵衣袖不牵手。喜欢就会放肆,但爱是克制。最后她为爱而退让,为爱而成全,亲手为所爱之人披上袈裟,始于必经之劫,终于苍生大义。不是再见,而是后会无期,相忘于江湖!!There is eighty-one difficult in Journey to the West, and all the 80 difficulties were left to the monkey, but only the girl country was left to the Tang Priest. That year, Tang's monk left his daughter country. She has a beautiful phoenix crown and official robes, but she leans on the head of the city. Her eyes are blurred. She calls out to her brother and brother from behind in front of civil and military officials. If there is an afterlife, how about marrying me? Sandstorm suddenly arose in the setting sun. Not far away, a cassock and a white horse rode slowly. On the day of sand and dust abuse, the figure on the back of the body paused vaguely. The side face like a knife did not look back at all. I saw a man on horseback holding a stiff rope with white hands and drinking lightly. A pure white gradually disappeared in the dust, then the wind and the noise wore a sigh of if if no, suddenly aroused her eyes a blur, can no longer forbear, tears poured down ... This year he died, thousands of Buddha chanted sutras, peoples toward the case! He left behind only a puzzling "good". When I was a child, I felt that the girl country was the best one to pass through. I was a bit bored and not a bad monster. I didn't know until I grew up that the girl country was the saddest one. I felt sad and sad. This is too close to tore heart crack lung, too deeply grieved! ! What is love in the world? Only call a royal brother brother. Tang's monk really moved his heart. In order not to let himself linger, he did not even dare to return his head. When he was young, he celebrated Tang's monk and escaped another bullet. Only when he grew up did he realize that he had missed his whole life. The queen was still the queen, guarding her own city. Tang's monk or Tang's monk, walking on his own road, not all love can always follow. If there is an afterlife, can there be an afterlife? ? Tang's monk lied only twice in his life, once he tricked the monkey into wearing a magic spell and once he tricked the king of his daughter country into staying together in the next life. The king is waiting for his brother and brother to marry in red in the next life, but he does not know how to become a Buddha in the Western Heaven. There is no afterlife. Tang's monk still failed to live up to the Buddha's promise in his life. If the Tathagata does not live up to his promise to meet him again in the next life, he would abandon his cassock, give up his dharma, remove my scar and practice for ten generations, only in exchange for being with you in the ends of the earth, in a small shed fence and with green hair. But what is the next life? There has always been only this life, now, now. Many times in life, one misses, even if noble as a king and holy as Tang's monk, is not worth a decree by destiny, because what can be put down in the world is what you have not picked up. There is no difference between loving a person and loving all living beings. If there is an afterlife, I will give up my kingship for riches and honor, and you will give up your commandments and regulations … unfortunately, I did not come to life … I had a dream, I dreamed that you had long hair and we grew old together, but you were not happy. "The king everywhere circulation is affectionate, but only holding sleeves not holding hands. Likes will be unbridled, but love is restraint. In the end, she gave up for love, fulfilled for love, and put on the robes for the loved ones with her own hands. It started from the inevitable disaster and finally the whole world was full of righteousness. It's not goodbye, it's life in the future, and we forget each other in the Jianghu! ! !

  • yoyo雪儿 2020-03-03 22:52:09

    情若能自控,要心有何用! 心若能自控,何苦要心动! 爱若能自控,何苦受心痛! 如果真心了,金钱算什么! 如果在乎了,时间算什么! 如果真爱了,缺点算什么! 错的时间遇到对的人是爱情

  • 97673192 2024-06-23 23:30:26


  • 过客 2024-06-22 22:12:40


  • 石材翻新结晶养护美缝 2024-06-20 16:00:32


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