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Be real with who you are

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  • 段雪艳 2022-10-10 20:16:32


  • 千幻梦 2021-05-04 09:12:22

    You need to be real with who you are. If you're disappointed with your grades, what could you have done differently? Did you really study to your full potential? Did you really not procrastinate at all when you were revising? 你需要面对真实的自己。如果你对成绩不满意,那么请思考,你本来可以怎么做?在你学习的时候,你有没有尽全力?在你复习的时候,有没有拖延? And when you look deep within you, it can get raw, and it can get ugly sometimes when you're looking in the mirror, but if you're not real with who you are, then nothing's gonna change. But you will be bold and courageous enough to look in the mirror, and fix what's in that mirror. 当你审视自己的内心,你会发现,真相可能令你难以接受。有时候,当你看着镜子里的自己,你会发现自己很丑陋。但是,如果你不面对真实的自己,就无法改变任何事情。你要变得足够勇敢,去直面镜子里的自己,去解决你的问题。 If you do the studying, and you go after it long enough, you will get the grades you're aiming for. That's all it is. There's no shortcut. There's no easy road. To get good grades, you have to be the best version of you possible. It will not have it by cutting corners, or taking shortcuts, or looking for the easy way. 如果你认真学习,并且坚持足够长的时间,你的成绩就会达到目标。就这么简单,没有什么捷径可走,没有哪条路是容易的。要想得到好成绩,你就要变成最优秀的自己。耍诡计,走捷径,寻求安逸的道路,这些都是没用的。 There's no easy way. There's only hard work, late nights, early mornings, hard work, studying, preparing, stress, frustration, discipline, and repeat. You need to have the discipline. It will drive you to study, when you don't feel like studying. Discipline defeats the infinite excuses that forces procrastination on us. 没有哪条路是容易的。你只能去努力拼搏,用功到深夜,一大早起床,不断付出,不断学习,不断做准备,面对压力,面对沮丧,学会自律,不断重复。你需要自律,因为,在你不想学习的时候,它会让你有学习的动力。我们会为自己的拖延找借口,但如果你足够自律,你就能避免这些。 I'm here to make a dent in the universe. You will never hear me complain that it's someone else's fault. Why I'm not getting the grades I have the potential of achieving? If I don't like where I am, I'll work harder. My current situation is a perfect reflection of the hard work or lack of work I put in. 我要让全世界都注意到我。你绝不会听见我抱怨别人。我的潜力本可以让我得到更好的成绩,但为什么我没能做到?如果我不满足于现状,那么我就会更加努力。我的现状取决于我投入的努力。 When you look at the all-time greats, there's one thing in common among them all. They all have relentless, sickening work ethic. 如果你观察那些流芳百世的人,你会发现他们有一个共同点。他们的工作热情都是发挥到了极致,他们对自己非常狠,甚至接近疯狂。 Those moments that you think you don't want to do something, when you want to procrastinate, when you think I'll do it tomorrow, that's exactly when you have to go for it. When things get hard, don't ever ask, why me? Dig deep down and say, try me! Because I'm stronger than anything you can throw at me. Because I've been down that dark path. 当你觉得不想做事情的时候,当你想拖延,想明天再做的时候,这就是你必须采取行动的时候。如果事情变得困难,不要问,为什么要我承受这些?要深入挖掘,不断努力,大声说,让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧!因为,无论我遇到什么困难,我都不会被打倒!因为,那条最黑暗的路,我已经走过了! You have two choices. You can make excuses, or you can study. And guess what, excuses are what separates you from owning the life that you want. You've got to make a decision, to stop making excuses and get it done. 你有两个选择,你可以找借口,或者你可以开始学习。借口只会让你离你的理想生活越来越远。你必须做决定,不要再找借口了,采取行动,把事情完成。 There's nobody in this world that's going to get you what you want. You're going to have to go out there, and get what you want, by studying hard. Being talented is not good enough. You've got to study hard and you've got to work hard. 没有人会帮你实现梦想,你必须自己努力学习,去面对一切,这样才能争取到你想要的东西。如果你有天赋,这还远远不够。你必须努力学习,你必须努力奋斗。

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