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Fall in love with yourself - Marisa Peer

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  • 千幻梦 2021-05-05 20:20:11

    So I often get letters from people saying, where can I find love? How do I find love? And people think love is something to be run after, to be chased after, to be earned. 我经常收到这样的来信,人们说,去哪里我才能找到爱?怎样我才能找到爱?人们认为,爱,需要追寻,需要追求,需要获取。 So, if you will have this belief, I've gotta work for love. I've gotta earn love. I gotta find someone who doesn't appear to really love me and then work really hard to show them how amazing. 所以,如果你也这样想,你觉得自己需要努力才能拥有爱。你想,我要获取爱,要找到一个人,这个人看起来不一定爱我,但是我会努力让这个人知道,我有多好。 I've got to chase after them, make an effort, and that's not true. You see, love should make you feel really good about you. 你想,我要追寻他们,努力获得他们的心。这是不对的。爱,应该让你感觉自己很棒。 And if your feeling is, I feel really good about them. I got this great girl, this great guy, but I don't feel good enough, and I gotta work to make them love me. That's a mistake. 如果,你的感受是,他们真棒,我眼前这位女孩真棒,这位男孩真棒,但我觉得自己不够好,我必须努力让这个人爱我。这是错误的想法。 So, whenever you're with anyone, I want you to ask yourself one question, how do I feel about myself when I'm with this girl, this guy, this man? And if the answer is, I didn't feel good enough, that's not the person for you. 所以,只要你跟别人在一起,我想让你问自己一个问题,当我和这个人在一起的时候,我觉得自己怎么样?如果,答案是,我觉得自己不够好,那么这个人不是对的人。 I want you to imagine, you're the stone and they're the setting, and their job is to make you sparkle. Your job is not to make them sparkle. And when you try to earn love, or work for love, pursue love, run after love, it kinda runs away. 我想让你想象一下,你是一块石头,他们是底座,他们的职责,就是让你绽放光芒。你的职责,不是为了让他们绽放光芒。你想获取爱,努力得到爱,追求爱,寻找爱,它反而会离你远去。 So if you want to find phenomenal love, here's the only thing you have to do. Believe you are lovable. That's it. 所以,如果你想找到不寻常的爱,你只需要做一件事,那就是,相信自己值得拥有爱,仅此而已。 Because, you see, you can only love someone to the degree that you love yourself, and they can only love you to the degree that they love themselves. 因为,你爱自己的程度,决定了你爱一个人能爱到什么程度。同理,对于他们来说,他们爱他们自己的程度,决定了他们能爱你爱到什么程度。 And if all your energy is, show me you love me, prove you love me, make me feel you love me, because I don't feel lovable. That doesn't work. It's not your partner's job to make you feel lovable. It's your job. 如果你使劲办法让对方展示和证明对你的爱,让你感受到对方很爱你,因为你认为自己不值得被爱,这是没用的。让你感到自己值得被爱,这不是你伴侣的职责,而是你自己的职责。 So, so many women try to change their body, their weight, their shape. They get new outfits. They get their hair done. They try to change all this external stuff, maybe even having surgery, to feel lovable, and men too. Buy nicer clothes, try to get some status symbols, to go, look at me, aren't I lovable? 有很多女人,尝试改变她们的身体,她们的体重,她们的身材。她们买新衣服,她们做发型,她们尝试改变外在的东西,甚至去动手术,来让自己感到自己值得被爱。男人也会做这样的事情,买更高级的衣服,买一些象征着社会地位的东西,向别人展示,看呀,我多么迷人。 You don't have to change your weight, shape, size, outfit, hair color, even your teeth color to find love. 你不必为了找到爱而改变自己的体重,身材,体型,衣服,头发颜色,甚至牙齿的颜色。 You have to believe that you are lovable. When you know, with unshakable conviction, that you are lovable, worthy of love, deserving of love, then you'll attract it and maintain it. 你必须相信,你值得被爱。当你知道,并坚信,自己值得被爱,值得拥有爱,配得上最好的爱,这时候,你才能吸引爱,并且长期维持它。 And then you're in that wonderful flow where you get love, and the more love you get, the more you give back, and you're in this flow of giving and receiving love. It's a bit like breathing. 这样,你就会进入一个美好的循环,你得到爱,你得到的爱越多,你回馈的爱就越多,你就进入了付出爱和获得爱的美好循环,这有点像呼吸一样。 So let's do this now. Breathe out. That's giving. Breathe in. That's receiving. So just give and receive a breath. Breathe in. Breathe out. Feels kinda balanced. 现在来试一试吧。呼气,这就是给予,吸气,这就是获得。给予,获得。吸气,呼气。你会感受到平衡。 But now try the other way, just give. Just keep breathing out, that's it, keep giving, giving, giving, giving, but don't breathe in. Don't take a breath. Doesn't that feel weird? That energy just giving, giving. Trying to give what you wanna get. 现在,试试另一种情况。你只给予,只呼气,一直呼气,不停地给予,不要吸气。这是不是让你感觉很奇怪?你不断在付出自己的能量,而这正是你自己想要的东西。 And now do the opposite take. So breathe in, and keep taking, taking, taking, taking, don't breathe out. And that feels kind of weird, too. I'm just taking love. I'm letting someone give it to me, but I'm not giving back. 现在,试一试相反的做法。只吸气,一直吸气,不停地获得,不要呼气。这也感觉很奇怪。你只是在获得爱,让别人把爱给你,但是你并没有回报爱。 So nature requires balance. The best relationships have balance. You have to give and receive love the way you give and receive breath. It has to be equal. 自然法则要求我们达到平衡。最佳的关系,能够保持平衡。就像呼气和吸气一样,爱也需要保持给予和获得的平衡,这两者要相等。 If you think that person is better than you. It won't work. If you think they're not good enough for you, it also won't work. Fall in love with yourself. 如果你认为,对方比你好,你们不适合在一起。如果他们认为自己配不上你,你们也不适合在一起。先爱上你自己吧。

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