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Five golden rules of success

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  • ♫✎ ﹏在路上--ing 2022-01-11 11:04:59


  • 千幻梦 2021-05-05 20:22:07

    Number 1: Speak Less. Let your results speak for you. 第一,少说话。让你的成果证明一切。 You don't always need to tell everyone what you're up to, or what you are planning to achieve. Let your results do the talking. 你不需要总是告诉别人你打算做什么,或者你有什么计划。让你的成果证明一切吧。 People will notice and respect you more if they see your results before they hear your plans. 如果人们看见了你的成就,然后才得知你原来的计划,那么,他们会给你更多的关注和尊重。 The majority of great achievers talk less than they work. They talk less than they achieve. You'll rarely find a great man or woman talking more than they achieve. 在那些有所成就的人中,大部分都是说的少、做得多。他们有所成就,但是他们很少提及。你很难找到一个说得多却做得少的成功人士。 In fact, if you think about how ridiculous that statement is, you'll understand it is impossible. 事实上,如果你想一想这有多荒谬,你就知道这是不可能的。 How can one be great, if their talking outweighs their doing? If their RESULTS are less than their words, that is not greatness. It is ignorance and arrogance. 如果人们说得多、做得少,他们怎么可能伟大?如果稍有成就,就大肆宣扬,这不是伟大,这是无知和傲慢。 Talk less. Do more. Let your results speak for you. 少说,多做,让你的成就说明一切。 Number 2: Listen More. 第二,多倾听。 You cannot LEARN if you do not LISTEN. You cannot GROW if you do not LEARN, so, LEARN to LISTEN more. Learn to listen BETTER, more intently. 如果你不认真听,你就学不到东西。如果你学不到东西,你就没法成长。所以,学着去多倾听吧。让自己更好地倾听,更专注地倾听。 Listen with PURPOSE and INTENTION to get something out of it. 倾听的时候,心中要有目标,让自己从倾听中获益。 If you are serious about making your life as great as it can be, you should be committed to be an ETERNAL LEARNER. A student of life. 如果你下定决心想让自己的生活变得更好,那么,你应该努力做一个终身学习者,一辈子都当个学生。 You should be as committed to curiosity as a child. The kind of curiosity and presence that will enable you to notice things others do not, and THAT will give you the advantage. 你要像孩子一样,充满好奇,这样的好奇心,能让你做其他人做不到的事情,这会成为你的优势。 Take in advice from the best teachers, and LEARN from the failures of the worst teachers. 采纳最优秀的老师的建议,从最差劲的老师的失败中学习经验。 You really can learn from EVERYONE. From the greatest failures and the greatest achievements. 每个人身上都有值得你学习的东西,无论是最糟糕的失败,还是最伟大的成就。 Pay attention. Listen more to be more. 多留心,多倾听,才能更有收获。 Number 3: React Less. 第三,少点反应。 The less you REACT, the better you can RESPOND. 你的反应越少,你的应对就越有效。 Don't jump to conclusions or let your emotions overpower you. 不要急着下结论,不要让你的情感冲昏头脑。 You have to discipline your emotions and your reactions to every person and every circumstance in your life. 在生活中,对每个人,每件事,你都必须控制自己的情感,控制自己的反应。 Discipline gives you power, and this is especially true when it comes to controlling your emotions. 自律给你力量,尤其是在控制自己的情感时,这尤为重要。 There is an important quote that says, one of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master how to remain calm. 有一句很重要的话,说的是,在生活中,你能学到的最好的东西,就是掌握让自己冷静的技巧。 When it all seems too hard, remain calm. When it all seems too good, remain calm. 当一切事情看起来都很棘手的时候,保持冷静。当一切事情貌似好得令人难以置信的时候,保持冷静。 Don't overreact. Don't over celebrate. Master calm. 不要过度反应,不要欢呼雀跃,要冷静。 Practice being calm in all situations. Looking at every situation objectively and calmly, so you can respond effectively. 在所有的情况下都要练习冷静,客观地、冷静地看待每一个情况,这样你才能有效地应对。 As the saying goes, learn to discipline your emotions, because if you don't, your enemies will use them against you. 就像有句话说的,学习控制自己的情绪,因为,如果你做不到,你的敌人就会以此来攻击你。 Number 4: Observe More. 第四,多观察。 The closer you observe, the better your understanding, and the better your understanding, the better your decisions will be. 你的观察越细致,你的理解就越深刻。你的理解越深刻,你做出的决定就越明智。 Pay close attention to those you admire, the people who are living a life similar to that you want to live. 多注意那些你仰慕的人,那些过着你梦想中的生活的人。 Pay close attention to the teachings you want to master, the principles you want to master, the skills and habits you want to develop. 多注意那些你想掌握的道理,那些你想掌握的准则,那些你想养成的技能和习惯。 Observe what works and what doesn't work in your own life. 观察一下,在你的生活中,做什么是有用的,做什么是无用的。 Pay attention and observe yourself. How you feel physically and mentally after all events, and circumstances. Observe, evaluate and make changes accordingly. 多加注意,观察自己。在各种事情发生之后,在遇到各种情况之后,你的心理状态和生理状态如何。 And finally, the principle of growth everyone must add to the recipe, TAKE ACTION. 最后,每个人都需要的、对成长有帮助的原则,就是,做个行动派。 As Bruce Lee said, knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do. Bruce Lee曾说过,知道还不够,我们还要应用。有心还不够,我们要实干。 If you want anything in life, it's not coming to you while you sit on your hands. Get up, get out there and get it. 在人生中,如果你想得到什么东西,它不会自己向你走来,你不会坐等就能得到它。站起来,走出去,努力获取它。 Make a decision that you want it, and do whatever it takes to get it. 下定决心,你很想拥有它,然后付出所有努力去得到它。

  • 五行缺钱 2021-07-14 22:27:08

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