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生活中的小奥秘(Life's Little Mysteries) 1702

生活中的小奥秘(Life's Little Mysteries)


The world can be a pretty mysterious place and we love to ask and answer questions about mysteries big and small: about ancient civilizations, our planet and our solar system, the plants and animals that live alongside us, our bodies and how they work, and the technologies that we use every day. 世界可以是一个相当神秘的地方,我们喜欢提出和回答关于大大小小的谜团的问题:关于古代文明、我们的星球和太阳系、与我们一起生活的植物和动物、我们的身体和它们的工作方式,以及我们每天使用的技术。 Life's Little Mysteries answers fascinating questions about the world around you and the stuff in it, including wild questions you didn't even know you had. 《生活中的小奥秘》回答了关于你周围世界和其中事物的迷人问题,包括你根本没有听说过的问题。

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